


Apakah yang lebih mengasyikkan?
Tertanya-tanya hati sepiku,
Terlebih dari segala-galanya;
Jugakah rindu yang tidak berkesudahan,
Jugakah kesepian yang tidak bersempadanan;
Berhelah-helah segala ingatan,
Berpujuk-pujukan gurindam hati,
Irama yang tidak pernah ada noktah,
Terusik-usik, tercari-cari akan sesuatu;
Apakah itu kasih?
Apakah itu rindu?
Apakah itu kesepian?
Perpisahan dalam kenyataan,
Kenyataan didalam perpisahan,
Aku tercari-cari,
Digamit lagi akan kasih,
Digamit lagi akan rindu,
Digamit lagi akan kesepian;
Terlupa bukan ajak-ajakan,
Teringat tidak pernah ada perenggan;
Yang ada hanya Allah yang tahu,
Seikhlas ratapan,
Sesuci CINTA.

Syed Halim Jamalullail.


Are not the sweet memories of the years past,
Are the obsessions in the bosom of its solitude,
And the blossoms cherish above all, aren't they?
Or, must it be longing, the limitless?
Or, must it be loneliness, the border less?
All of which are tormented by memories,
Of songs from the yearning heart,
And lyrics with their infinities,
To swear my heart with introspection;
Is it love?
Is it longing?
Is it loneliness?
Or, could it be separation in reality,
Or, could it be reality in separation,
And whatever you interpret them,
They are infinities;
Of love,
Of longing,
Of loneliness.


Riri said...

well congratulation grandpa!!!i finally find ur blog in the internet!!!hehehe....anyway good luck in ur blog grandpa...

-sincerly,ur grandchild(ask ur self...hohoho)-

Riri said...

forgot to tell u something....

put ur pic to make it everybody know better.....hohoho

Leonora Halim said...

LOVE is..

Memories that will never be forgotten,
Hardship that will never be rewarded,
Sacrifice that will never be valued..
And yet, we keep hoping to get the best out of it… ;-)

Leonora Halim

rozais al-anamy said...

Dear Ayahku,
Glad to see you here.